Today I made some crumpets. English crumpets from scratch...... the recipe came from a small tea book my mom gave me. She got it from a friend, in a little gift basket.... its chock full of old time recipes..... things like banbury cakes and scones and so on.....
I had a taste for crumpets and could not find them at the grocery store so, after reading the little book I decided too try and make them for myself....
The result was less than perfect ....... but the taste was right on .......
The batter was way to thick and they did not cook through properly..... so i turned them over and turned them into english muffins...... when i cut them in half... presto they were crumpets again......
next time i would use....... twice the amount of liquid and make the batter much thiner.....
the recipe was basic
4 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp yeast
2 cups milk and water
pinch of salt
its that easy
hot griddle and some egg rings..... proof the batter and let it splatter......
next time I would double up the liquid
I noticed that there were none left after the experiment...... butter and rose hip jam... then some as egg macmuffins.......... bacon and fried eggs... double duty on the egg rings and griddle....
The gooey crumpets posed a problem for the dog..... he must have got some jammed in his pallete ..... boo boo spent about ten minutes with his paw in his mouth trying to scrape it out..... he's okay now.... looking for more food..... *smile*
Well thats my first attempt at crumpets..... will definetly try again..... with thinner batter.....
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