Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good Cheer Frypan

I am a sucker for vintage cast iron cookware...... I have a hard time passing up any pieces even though I have many many frypans... I love my griswolds and my wagners..... and the odd ones like mclary....

Just the other day I picked one up and on the bottom where I was hoping to see griswold was the best surprise...... it said.... good cheer..... I had to smile ... what a great message to get from a frypan.... wonder where that one came from.......

1 comment:

  1. ! Made by James Stewart Manufacturing out of Woodstock, Ontario. The James Stewart Man. Co. Ltd. moved to Woodstock from Hamilton in 1892 after taking over an earlier business started by James Stewart in 1845. The plant made cast iron and plated steel products. James Stewart Manufacturing is known for making the "good cheer" line of hollow ware. But it is believed that there may be a link to Griswold somewhere along the line and may have bought some patterns from Griswold and other companies as some of their pieces have had Griswold ghost marks
